3 more days to May. Time flies incredibly fast. Is this a good thing?
Quite a lot of people signed up for our club during CCA carnival :D
who knows how many of them will stay though lol
CCA Carnival is over. Another thing that I'm looking forward to is the Freshmen camp :D
but I can't spend my time just thinking about all the fun stuff
need to focus on my study ah :(
all the modules are so similar but they're so confusing >''<
I won't give myself pressure, just do it slowly K
Have been leaving my guitar in the club room since school started
but no choice! my school bag and laptop are way too heavy so I need to sacrifice my guitar
I might be disgusting or what but I really miss it. lol?
so gonna think of ways to carry it home every time after practice!
I joined a new CCA.
don't know whether it's a right choice but I think I won't regret hahaha
I just want my year 2 life to be a little bit more awesome. at least a LITTLE BIT please :(
sometimes I think it's my problem for not having any close friends here
they are just like..someone we know each other
or classmates.
oh man it shouldn't be like this
4 more weeks to MST
and I'm still blank and blur with all the new things
wtf did I choose the right course
can't imagine I'm really gonna be a computer engineer someday
never expected it to happen because I used to destroy computers lol