Sunday, August 18, 2013

18th August

Exams start tomorrow and yea, I'm not gonna sleep tonight again, as usual lol.
Burning midnight oil is not fun at all especially it's the night right before your test T.T
because of my laziness huh shit.

Yeah~ went on YouTube and searched for some soft and peaceful music for study 
*some random piano music with no lyrics so that I won't be able to sing along*
*never play your favourite song when you're studying, it never worked on me. It would always turn out to be my mini concert, totally distracted =3=*
and then I found some really sad song that actually helped me focus on my books but at the same time make me feel sad I don't know why! HHAHAA

so I think of my family and my friends and bla bla bla
yea family always comes first, but friendship is also one of the motivations for my life :) 
I can't afford to lose anyone of them :( 
So please, stay by my side so I can always see you, talk to you whenever I feel like to. 
Yeah~ action only, talk so much never study HAHAHA 
TOHWANYU ah study hard barh, for your parents.